Annual Report
Interim Financial Statements
We have a comprehensive range of policies and systems in place to ensure that the Company is effectively governed with adequate oversight and control. We comply with the Corporate Governance regulations as prescribed in the Section 9 of the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange. In this section you can find out more about our approach to corporate governance.
1. Policy on the matters relating to the Board of Directors
2. Policy on Board Committees
3. Policy on Corporate Governance, Nominations and Re-election
4. Policy on Remuneration
5. Policy on Internal Code of Business conduct and Ethics for all Directors and employees, including policies on trading in the Entity’s listed securities
6. Policy on Risk management and Internal controls
7. Policy on Relations with Shareholders and Investors
8. Policy on Environmental, Social and Governance Sustainability
9. Policy on Control and Management of Company Assets and Shareholder Investments
10. Policy on Corporate Disclosures
11. Policy on Whistleblowing
12. Policy on Anti-Bribery and Corruption